Cloud Computing Trends That Will Dominate Upcoming Year
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Cloud Computing Trends That Will Dominate Upcoming Year

By CIOReview | Saturday, December 17, 2022

Switching to cloud-based apps to serve remote workers and fast launching new cloud services to keep clients.

FREMONT, CA: Recent socioeconomic changes have significantly affected cloud computing use. Companies accelerated their digital transformation as a result of a pandemic throughout the world and laws requiring employees to work from home. This included switching to cloud-based apps to serve remote workers and to launch new cloud services to keep clients.

AI and ML-driven cloud: Given that disruptive technological trends like mobile or the internet of things (IoT) haven't significantly impacted the cloud computing environment, the claim that AI can influence a new generation of cloud computing infrastructure is intriguing. It makes sense, however, when we consider the crucial differences between trends like mobile and IoT.

Low-code and non-code services: Platforms for low- and no-code development are tools for those who need to learn how to code or don't have the time to learn. End users are not bothered with the technicalities because these low-code and no-code frameworks are built on real coding languages like PHP, Python, and Java.

Innovation and consolidation in cloud gaming: A cutting-edge technology, cloud gaming enables players to play games straight from the cloud without using or downloading a gaming device or particular gear. Currently, most video games need to be purchased on physical media or downloaded onto gaming consoles, computers, tablets, or mobile phones, with the game's quality and performance tailored to each individual device.

Multi-cloud is increasingly a popular strategy:  Most firms have developed a preferred architecture that resembles this: For high-value/high-risk workloads, on-premises servers, storage, and networks are retained. Common business activities are transferred to various SaaS providers. Before moving programmers to their appropriate execution venue, IaaS is used to quickly provision compute, storage, and network resources, while PaaS is utilized for quick application creation and testing.

Increased investments in cloud security and reliance: Large potential, efficiency, and convenience come with cloud migration, but it also exposes businesses and organizations to a new set of cybersecurity vulnerabilities. The possibility of fines or, even worse, losing the confidence of their clients is a serious issue because of the rising body of regulations governing how businesses can hold and use personal data.