Cloud / April 12, 2021

Managing the Madness of Migrating to the Cloud

Updated September 30, 2021.

Hybrid cloud represents the future of IT infrastructure everywhere. However, players/organizations face a number of challenges when it comes to winning the championship game of successful cloud migration in a hybrid cloud world.

What are the top challenges players face today when it comes to migrating to hybrid cloud architectures, and what is the next best move to managing the madness of this migration? We polled our social media followers here at Gigamon and here’s how the Elite Eight complexities matched up in our Gigamon March Madness Cloud Bracket, ordered from most to least challenging:

  1. Security gaps (54%)
  2. Lack of visibility (40%)
  3. Data loss and risk (37%)
  4. Financial (proving ROI) (20%)
  5. Training people on new systems (18%)
  6. Performance (16%)
  7. Regulatory compliance (16%)
  8. Integration (15%)

It’s no surprise that security and a lack of visibility ranked among the most concerning complexities for players. With cyberattacks up 400 percent compared to pre-COVID days, threat actors have been shooting for threes and boxing out the competition left and right.

Additionally, in today’s digital distributed workforce, users, applications, and devices continue to grow exponentially, resulting in a data explosion. While the shift to the cloud is a fundamental tenet of playing the game in the distributed workforce, players must approach the court strategically to avoid getting ejected from the tournament due to threats from an expanded attack surface.

To get back on offense, visibility is the slam dunk solution to ensuring a successful cloud migration. DevOps teams will continue to deploy microservices in higher volumes, putting enormous pressure on security and compliance teams to maintain security posture. By implementing key players that allow for visibility into traffic streams, organizations can monitor and secure applications while meeting company standards for digital transformation (DX) and coming out on top in the end.

The MVP of the Cloud Migration tournament? Gigamon Hawk, the league’s first elastic visibility and analytics fabric for all data in motion across the hybrid cloud.

With Hawk, players are equipped with:

  • Elastic visibility for the hybrid cloud. Hawk’s visibility-as-code can be embedded into cloud automation to elastically scale up and scale out on demand.
  • Cloud visibility for network tools. Hawk provides traditional network tools with immediate, agentless visibility into Layers 2–7 across any cloud.
  • Network visibility for cloud tools. Hawk delivers the “ground truth” of data in motion to cloud tools: for example, visibility into East-West container traffic and unmanaged devices through network application metadata.

Interested in learning about how to secure a win during the Cloud Migration tournament? Find out more about Gigamon Hawk here.

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