Future Prospects for Big Data and Education
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Future Prospects for Big Data and Education

By CIOReview | Thursday, June 24, 2021
Cio Review

Cio Review

With today's Big Data analytics, humans can finally take control of the knowledge-gathering process, identify potential pitfalls, and provide solutions to those problems.

FREMONT, CA: Big data is a field in which data scientists and engineers analyze, arrange, employ, and learn from large amounts of data that conventional software cannot handle. Extracting relevant data from massive data sets assists industries in predicting trends, understanding human behavior, and making more informed business decisions. Or develop innovative ways to meet the needs of the contemporary world.

The origins of "big data" raise questions and warrant more inquiry. John Mashey, a Pennsylvanian computer scientist, is regarded as the originator of "big data"; he coined the phrase in the mid-1990s at Silicon Graphics, an American business that produced hardware and software until 2009.

Today, every type of data may be stored in the cloud, and the amount of digital data is expanding astounding. By 2025, it is anticipated that there will be 163 zettabytes of data. One zettabyte is equivalent to one billion terabytes or one trillion gigabytes.

Transformation in education will be drastically different in the near future compared to today. The educational system will radically transform its ability to advise students and schoolchildren on their future careers, directing them to acquire Science or Humanities abilities. Built on collected data and analytics, educational software will meet the demands of both students and instructors. Introducing facial recognition and voice-based learning in the classroom will alter the learning method and rate. Companies will hire a candidate for the position based on information already received from universities regarding the student's achievement and performance.

Students will have several opportunities to acquire in-depth knowledge without attending classes. It has already begun, and a shining example is how people are getting their Master's or Bachelor's Degrees through eLearning and how university websites explicitly advertise digital learning departments.

Using big data, artificial intelligence, gamification, and simulation in education will enhance learning effectiveness. Technology development will transform our efforts to educate ourselves adequately and exhaustively into unimaginable new experiences.

Big data is the emerging trend in the education industry, improving students' learning opportunities. Today, with Big Data analytics, humans can ultimately regulate the process of acquiring information, identify potential problems, and provide suitable answers. Indeed, data analytics benefits education in terms of improved study quality. However, difficulties associated with big data in education must also be addressed. Overall, only time will tell. However, the role of big data in the education industry is now exceptional.