Real-Time IP Camera Systems

How to create a real-time IP camera system

guard in dark hallway

It was a dark and threatening day. Thunder could be heard in the distance. Fog blanketed the building, weakening the remaining daylight. Strange sounds were heard in the basement, and the security center was called to investigate.

The guard walks anxiously along a dark and long hallway. As he turns the corner, he is suddenly confronted by…

Yes, this sounds like the beginning of a TV mystery show. Unfortunately for the mystery show, the latest IP video surveillance systems have removed the uncertainty and surprise. Sorry, we ruined the classic plot line. This article describes the newest way that IP camera systems are adding real-time functionality that handles the uncertainty of real-time security.

Notification in Real Time

With the increase of terrorist activity and gun-related tragedies in our schools, it is essential to respond quickly to emergencies. Video surveillance systems have taken on this new and demanding role. The latest IP camera systems provide immediate notification of dangerous situations.

IP camera gunshot detection

New intelligent IP cameras can notify the security center if a person screams. They can detect if a person crosses a predetermined line, or enters the wrong door. They can cause an alarm if a gunshot is heard. They can notify the security center if a laptop is removed from a desk, or even tell the guard that an unattended package has been left in the lobby. The professional X-Series Hanwha cameras include these advanced analytic capabilities.

For example, the X-Series Hanwha cameras provide the following analytics:

  • Behavior Analytics: Appear, Disappear, Loitering
  • Passing: Virtual line, Enter/Exit, Directional Detection
  • Detection: Motion Detection, Tampering, Face Detection, Audio detection
  • Audio Analytics: Explosion, glass breakage, gunshot, scream

For more information about camera analytics, take a look at our article “The Intelligent IP Camera.”

Now that the camera has detected a specific event, what can you do to react to the situation? It is important to use a video recording system that supports these advanced features

Video Recording Systems that Support Real-Time Alarms

Many video recording systems support general alarms from the IP cameras, but only a few are able to identify each type of alarm and then react to the specific threat. For example, you may detect that a box was left in the lobby. Since you are notified immediately about this specific event, you can dispatch the right people to the lobby or call for outside help. Ocularis 5 from OnSSI and WAVE from Hanwha both support if-then management of alarms. 

Wisenet WAVE Video Management Software

Scream analytic monitor command

Wisenet Wave is a new video management software solution with some very nice advanced real-time response capability. It provides similar if-then rules that have been available in Oculairs 5 for many years.

The “Events and Rules” engine in the WAVE software provides a host of different automated capabilities that can increase safety. The software can be easily integrated with IP paging systems and door access control.

For example, if a person screams, the camera detects the event and passes it to the WAVE video management software. This automatically notifies the security center of the situation. The location of the camera provides the information necessary to immediately respond to the emergency.

Another example is the detection of a person who enters a secure area, you can automatically send an audio announcement to the area such as, “Please leave the area,” or “The police are on their way.” The audio signal is passed through the IP camera to an attached powered speaker.    

This if-then logic can also help you respond to lockdown emergencies. It can do a number of different things at the same time. For example, if an emergency button is pushed, the system can automatically lock all the doors in the building (if you have an access control system), and at the same time make a general announcement over the PA system (if you have an IP paging system). You could program the paging system to say something like, “Shelter in place.”

Since each camera provides its own detection capability, you can create very specific messages based on the location of the event. If a gunshot is detected, the announcement can automatically tell everyone where it occurred. It can say, “A gunshot was heard in the cafeteria”, or maybe “Gunshot heard in the parking lot.”

Mobile Video Viewing App

live view on mobile phone

No longer does the guard have to walk into an unknown situation. The security guard can use his smartphone to view all the cameras on the premises. He can select the specific camera and view the suspicious area. This allows the security officer to see what he is walking into.

For example, the Wisenet Mobile app from Hanwha and the Ocularis 5 Mobile App from OnSSI allow the user to live stream from IP cameras that are attached to their video management software. It also provides remote playback of recorded video. It is almost like a mobile command center.

Mobile Camera and Viewing App

The Ocularis 5 Mobile App from OnSSI not only allows you to view all the camera on the network, but it also allows you to turn your smartphone into another camera on your surveillance system. This adds the capability to record live situations wherever there is a person with a smartphone.

Smartphone Camera integration Ocularis mobile application
Smartphone Integration with VMS

Many police departments use body-cams to help record their interactions with the public. These systems usually record the video to onboard storage, but the new Mobile-to-Ocularis feature provides a continuous video stream to the command center. This allows the security command center to keep in constant video contact with the responding officer.  

The mobile app and the Ocularis video management software improves the safety of security guards by providing a live video feed that can be viewed at the security command center. Since the smartphone video connects to the video recording system just like any IP camera, the video can be easily recorded and managed.  


The latest IP camera systems provide increased safety and security by providing real-time event notifications. The mobile apps allow you to view all your cameras and even add your mobile smartphone as another camera on your video management recording system. These new technologies are replacing the older concept of just recording the video and reviewing it later. To learn more, take a look at our video, Real-Time Camera Systems.

To learn more about the latest IP camera systems, please contact us at 1-800-431-1658 in the USA, or at 914-944-3425 everywhere else. You can also use our contact form.