Good cheer in Life 2.0

Reflecting back on 2017, it’s been an amazing year for me and my family. Highlights include the amazing trips we were able to take to faraway spots like Cuba, New Zealand and Botswana among others. We are so thankful for these opportunities to see the world in its infinite variety. 

Reflecting back on 2017, it’s been an amazing year for me and my family. Highlights include the amazing trips we were able to take to faraway spots like Cuba, New Zealand and Botswana among others. We are so thankful for these opportunities to see the world in its infinite variety.

Our family of four children and two grandchildren give my wife and I good cheer daily. We cannot believe we have been happily married over 37 years! Family is something I am especially thankful for this time of year.

Professionally, getting back into the entrepreneurial life has been the greatest joy. In the amazing world of FinTech, all of us at Vestigo have discovered so much this year. From the entrepreneurs putting their hearts and souls into their startups to incumbent financial services firms looking to innovate, I see great ideas sprouting in so many places. 

Being able to fully focus on my GP role at Vestigo is so rewarding.

Mark Casady
General Partner