From the GP's

Dave was at the X Prize Innovation board trip while Mark, Ian and Mike attended SXSW. Great to see Dave bringing that broad perspective to Vestigo and to our invested companies.

Dave was at the X Prize Innovation board trip while Mark, Ian and Mike attended SXSW. Great to see Dave bringing that broad perspective to Vestigo and to our invested companies.

The reason to travel is to gain new views and experiences. Nothing beats meeting other VC's, critical thinkers and hearing thought leaders. It is from these experiences we gain a new angle on issues and opportunities.

At X Prize Innovations there were visits to the leaders in technology such as Google and Facebook.  Comparing notes on data and it's many insights brought Dave new ways to mine the Link/Cogo treasure trove of consumer data. Vestigo will certainly benefit from that insight.

Ian and Mike are seeing an ever increasing number of entrepreneurs with a wide range of ideas. Our thesis of having an inexhaustible list of ideas to consider for funding has proven to be true. This will cause us to more formally use process for review of the plans rather than take them as they come to us.

We move forward with fund raising and investing at Vestigo. We see continued need to gain significant funding for the FinTech sector.  

Dave & Mark